Getting ahead in today’s disruption-focused business world demands more than just relevant skills and behaviors. It requires avid faith in yourself, in your ability, a greater vision, and a pulsating, relentless inner drive. Let success coach Minocher Patel show your people how to create bigger results than they can imagine. While refocusing and reenergizing the audience with vision (for larger goals) and action (for better performance) Minocher focuses a great deal on social quotient, emotional quotient, spiritual quotient and power of happiness, humility, grit, and confidence - to live life at a much higher level.
After having closely worked with super achievers for over 21 years, Minocher distills it down to what actually makes ordinary people produce extraordinary results. And what differentiates non-performance and imbalanced life with excitement, joy, and fulfillment in all the crucial areas of life. Attendees leave with the sustained clarity of thoughts, beliefs, tools, and a relentless intrinsic drive crushing negativity and being their best.
How can students reinvent themselves and reclaim their personal power? How can they win over their internal enemies like doubt, fear, insecurities, and low self-belief to join the elite group of super achievers? In this lively, high-energy, power session, Minocher reveals how to build a relentless inner drive to crush negativity, rejection, and failures, how the destiny-shaping forces like habits, confidence, self-belief, self-motivation, attitude and perseverance lead to extraordinary results, happiness, and sustained success. Minocher connect with students at a visceral level and leverage humor to pass on success principles that every student need to know and practice to achieve significant success.
Students will leave with a clear understanding of the core success principles leveraged by super successful leaders, performers, and achievers in every field. And, most importantly, how students can practice and master them in their everyday life. Students will understand how they can (no matter their past, background, and limitations) can harness and leverage the enormous potential stored within them. And take advantage of the opportunities the new world has to offer and create a life they desire.
It was an awesome session. I had attended a few motivational classes some years back, but this looked quite different and interesting. The class was filled with interesting jokes and few funny moments which made the session more enjoyable. Thank you very much for your session and I hope to attend more of your sessions in future. It was such a wonderful positive energy to me, I suppose, to everyone else too. So, keep it up. Thank you so much”.
Geroge Mathew, Centennial College Canada
Mind blowing experience Sir. I personally will remember this program for the rest of my life. Your energy was a true source of motivation. Hats off to you Sir!
Neeraj Kumar Jha, Management Student, SIBM
You have influenced my life in a great way. You have changed my way of thinking. You are my role model.
Rishi Kaiwart, Management Student, Indira Group of Institute
I love the delivery style of Mr. Patel. He speaks so confidently, adds humor, answers everybody’s queries and gives practical solutions. He is an amazing orator and it’s fun to be in his class.
Vikram Chadha, Management Student, SCMHRD